10 kW Permanent Magnet Generator

  • Post category:pmgenerator
  • Post last modified:September 28, 2022

10kW Design

The 10kW permanent magnet generator finds its applications in residential houses on country sides, farming sites, small business setups etc. This has empowered owners to a great extent to reduce utility bills. Other than these, 10kW wind turbine setups are very famous in telecom sector, on or off grid residential areas, rural schools etc. Areas with no electricity grids or with unreliable grids depend on wind energy most of the time.

Very high efficiency and long lasting design have made 10kW system a favorite amongst rural land owners and farmers. Farmers can expect a very short payback period of less than 5 years which makes their fuel cost go down.

When designing a 10kW wind turbine, many considerations have to be kept in mind. This is not a very small setup. Issues like weight of the whole turbine, tower, braking system etc play an important role while designing. These windmills have to be made to withstand strong wind conditions since potential of generating electricity during high wind conditions is very high. Also during strong wind conditions the design and strength of the whole setup come into play. These winds can damage strong structures easily, hence the material of the wind blades and the tower strength have to be strong enough to withstand winds at 150 km/hr. 10 KW designs have to be robust and dependable for these wind conditions. With a yield of 40,000 -60,000 kWh, users can increase their benefits by selling back the electricity to the national grids.