Here are some new technologies developed by big brand names in the field of marine energy development.

Albatern: WaveNET technology

Based on the technology of modules and associated nodes, this project has been granted 617,000 pounds under the WATERS2 scheme. With a development and testing phase in the period of late 2012 to late 2013, this project is capable of becoming a 10MW energy proposition.

AWS Ocean Energy: AWS-III Wave Energy Converter (WEC)

Awarded with a grant of 3.9 million pounds, this project has a rated power output of 2.5MW. A full prototype plan is planned in 2014. The technology involved is a multi cell array of flexible membranes.

Nautricity:CoRMaT technology

Aimed to reduce the complexity of operations, the CoRMaT can deliver the tidal power without needing big and heavy supporting structures.

Oceanflow Energy: Oceanflow’s ‘Evopod’ tidal technology

The company’s strategy is to build an operating experience with its 35 kW mono turbine and 70 kW twin turbine Evopod units. The technology involves a semi submerged floating body that is tethered to the seabed by a multi-line spread mooring system.

Scotrenewables Tidal Power: SRTT

This technology features two contra rotating rotors that excite that extract the kinetic energy of the tidal flow, which is converted to electricity though a power take-off system.Company’s WATERS project will involve the design, construction and installation at EMEC of a commercial demonstrator SRTT rated up to 2 MW.

Future Growth

The UK has become a world leader in development of marine energy projects. The UK will be home to the first multi MW commercial array project. Tidal energy has been given due acknowledgment and is considered as a significant contributor to the energy demand.Tidal power plays an important role in reducing the dependability on other sources like imported fuels.