Liquid Cooled DC Generators

  • Post category:pmgenerator
  • Post last modified:September 25, 2022

The need for liquid cooling in DC Generators is determined by a number of system design parameters.

Power/Amperage Requirement:

Many of the system designs in the market for hybrid off-highway vehicles use low voltage bus systems. The lower the voltage; the higher the amps will be for a given power requirement. Higher wattage and amps means more heat loss. The wattage and amps loading is the first criteria to look at when deciding if liquid cooling is necessary for a DC Generator.

Air Intake:

DC Generator system design must take into account fresh air intake when trying to avoid switching to a liquid cooling system. Innotec designs air cooled generators with in-built fans but there must be source for fresh cool air to reach the generator to then be blown through the windings, stator and housing. This can be accomplished by putting a hose going from the generator to the outside of the canopy away from the heat sources of the system.

Mechanical Constraints:

In some scenarios adding an in-built fan will increase the size of the system more than adding a liquid cooling plug for the generator. Having a liquid cooled DC Generator can also eliminate needed air space between components in the system.

These are just a few of the considerations for choosing a liquid cooled versus air cooled DC Generator.