Permanent magnet generators are the future for diesel generators. They improve efficiency, offer hybrid options and reduce maintenance. The generators directly couple to the engine through its flywheel or shaft. The fuel savings starts at 15% and go above 40% depending on loading and usage.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
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With over 90% efficiency in the alternator, fuel savings automatically increase 15%. With a battery based system, the savings increase to 30%. The battery serves the end user when the load is light and the alternator turns on to charge or in full load.
With at least 30% decrease in the size of the alternator, the DG set becomes more compact, light weight and less floor space. It also decreases canopy related expenses and increases the versatility of the unit for roof tops.
Fewer components and no bearings means less wear and tear on the alternators. We fully stand behind the reliability and durability of our alternators because of the simplistic design and strict manufacturing controls.
Permanent Magnet Diesel Gensets
Traditional DG Sets are heavier, noisier and are 35% less efficient. Permanent magnet generators are 30% more efficient than traditional DG Sets. These permanent magnets are used as wind permanent magnet generators, for Hydroelectric turbines etc. Get to know more by clicking here.
Diesel Permanent Magnet Generators: Price vs RPM
Diesel permanent magnet generators are operated at different speeds. But price becomes a compensation factor when varying the speed of the alternator. Price of an alternator is inversely proportional to the speed. Decreasing speed will result in increasing the size of the alternator. Get to know more by clicking here.
Diesel Permanent Magnet Generators: Voltage vs RPM
Voltage generated is directly proportional to the speed of the prime mover. Increasing RPM and Increasing the load will have effect on voltage in a diesel permanent magnet generator. Hence a relation between these factors is essential for manufacturers. Get to know more by clicking here.
Gearboxes give way to Direct Driven Turbines & Diesel Permanent Magnet Generators
Direct driven turbines are proving to be more reliable and efficient. These reduce the cost of productivity. They have been around for quite some time now but their huge size and cost was a problem. But modern technology has developed newer, lighter and affordable models which are used in diesel permanent magnet generators. Get to know more by clicking here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]