Wind energy is clean and green. It contributes towards a good percentage of total power generating resources any country has. This may reduce the consumption of other energy resources which use depleted resources and are not clean.
Wind is variable and it does not provide its full power every single time it is demanded but due to rise of wind power farms and modern science, such windmills are used which have turbines that can run on low wind speed too. These turbines use wind permanent magnet generators. Every energy source has its pros and cons. Hence scientists all around the world and visionaries are trying to enhance upon their capabilities to use benefits of wind energy.
Global wind power capacity is at all time high and is expected to grow further in coming years. Indian markets remain a place which have most growth opportunities.
Rental income from wind farm developments increased between 10 and 15 per cent throughout 2011, according to research by CKD Galbraith. This proves the point that wind energy sector is on a rise and we can expect more and more developments from this area of power generation.